Magdalena Osipiak

Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Protection Expert


For 20 years I have been working in the field of occupational health and safety and fire protection, in various industries. Among others, on road construction sites, in gastronomy, heavy industry, in the BPO sector, in the IT and financial industries and many others.


Currently, it is a very solid foundation in my work, on which I base my decisions, advice, quality of training and comprehensive service in the field of health and safety at work and fire protection. Many years of experience, as well as the highest expert qualifications in the field of occupational health and safety, fire protection, labor law, first aid, as well as practical qualifications of the chief auditor of safety management systems based on ISO standards, allow me to present the highest level in the industry.

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As part of the basic duties of the OHS service, defined, inter alia, by local law: conducting initial and periodic OHS trainings required by law, conducting occupational risk assessment, conducting post-accident investigation, consulting in the field of health and safety at work and fire protection, consulting in the field of occupational medicine, leading and training an internal crisis response team, periodic internal safety audits, organization trainings in the field of first pre-medical assistance, organization of periodic inspections of portable firefighting equipment, organization of fire drills in cooperation with building managers, running the OHS Committee - there is also full readiness to take action in the event of accidents at work, tracking changes in regulations, analysis and interpretation, as well as commissioning further actions for entities to ensure compliance with the applicable law.

I enrich my professional activity with crisis management skills, practical use of coaching tools, both in individual and group processes, I appreciate and support teamwork.


In the private sphere… I love active rest, I love Polish mountains, ballroom dancing, film art and music.


I invite you to cooperation...


H&S - Magdalena Osipiak

80-442 Gdańsk, Poland

Tel: +48 600 318 313


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